js333金沙线路检测全体师生的一封信 An Open Letter to Faculties and Students of SFL js333金沙线路检测的老师和同学们: Ladies and gentlemen, 大家好! Is everything going well? 我国正在全国范围内全力抗击新型冠状病毒感染。截止今日,全国31个省区市全部启动了突发公共卫生事件一级响应,防控新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情是当前重中之重的任务。 Our country is combating against new coronavirus infection all over the nation. Up to today, 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities in our country all have activated top level response to public health emergencies. Prevention and control of the new coronavirus infection is the most critical mission at present. 为做好相关防控工作,切实保障广大师生员工的身体健康和生命安全,学校做出以下决定。 In order to prevent and control the new coronavirus infection and protect the physical health and the life safety of all teachers and students, decisions made by our school are as follow: 1.推迟2020年春季学期返校开学时间至3月1日以后,具体返校开学时间等待学校另行通知,所有师生不得私自返校。 The opening of spring semester of 2020 will be POSTPONED to some day after 1st March, all teachers and students, please DO NOT RETURN to school without permission, the new opening day will be notified. 2.学校将根据疫情的发展和上级部门相关工作要求加强对疫情的研判、防控及相关工作,并以落实各单位每天报告相关信息,请全体师生员工配合并及时报告相关情况。 The school will strengthen the research, judgment,prevention and control etc. Of the situation according to the development of this emergency and the relevant work requirements of related department. It has also implemented the daily reporting of relevant information by all units. All teachers and students are required to cooperate and report relevant situations in a timely manner. 3.全体教职员工如无特殊情况要根据校历安排正常网络办公、开展线上教学。全体学生按照任课教师要求正常参加线上学习、线上讨论等教学活动,如有特殊情况请给辅导员报备。 Faculties and staff will work normally and start teaching online according to the school calendar without special circumstances. All students must attend the online classroom activities by following teachers’ directions, anyone who is in special circumstances please report to the counsellor. 4.如有新的通知会及时通知大家,请及时关注js333金沙线路检测微信公众号、学院网站、微信群、QQ群等。 If there is any new notice, we will inform every one in time. Please visit our website and follow us on Wechat, QQ, etc. 特别提醒 Reminder 切勿前往疫情严重的区域,远离人员密集场所,积极配合有关方面做好防控工作安排。 DO NOT go to any other areas with severe condition, avoid crowded places and cooperate actively to prevent and control new coronavirus infection. 保持良好个人生活和卫生习惯,勤洗手、勤消毒,住所勤通风,日常多饮温开水,饮食清淡,进行合理的体育锻炼。如不得不外出,务必正确合理佩戴口罩,做好防护措施。 Cautious about personal hygiene. Wash your hands and disinfect frequently, keep your room well ventilated, drink warm water,have a light diet and keep physical exercise. Wear masks properly and take other necessary measures to protect yourself while you have to go out. 支持疫情防控工作,不仅关乎个人生命安全和身体健康,也是每一位社会人应承担的责任和义务。感谢大家的理解和支持。 Supporting new coronavirus infection prevention and control is not only related to the safety and health of oneself, but also the social responsibility and obligation of individuals. We are grateful for your understanding and support. |